History and Nature 아이콘

History and Nature

Welcome sokcho English


The weather of Sokcho-si is influenced by the continental climate of Korea , but geographically, as the city is sheltered by the mountains, facing sea, it is warm under the influence of the oceanic climate. The annual mean temperature is 11.8degrees, with the temperature difference of 45.6 from the highest median 34.0 degrees to the lowest median -11.6 degrees. The annual precipitation is 1,300 ㎜ , of which 1,159.8 ㎜ is evaporated, with a 89.2% evaporation rate. The median wind velocity is 3.1 ㎧ , which is quite strong, with the highest of 19.6 ㎧ .


Year Temperature (℃) Precipitation (㎜) sunshine(hr) Wind(m/s)
Median Highest Lowest Median velocity Highest velocity
2003 11.7 33.2 -14.8 1899 1771.1 2.3 14.2
2004 13.2 37.1 -15.6 1587.3 2273.7 2.6 17.3
2005 12 36 -13.1 1349.2 2236.1 2.6 11.9
2006 11.9 33 -11.9 1609.2 1748.7 2.5 30.5
2007 13 35.3 -8.6 1264.7 1892.3 2.5 14
2008 13 34.7 -10.9 1415 2224.6 2.4 12.2
2009 12.8 32.4 -10 1420.1 2185.2 2.5 12.6
2010 12.3 35.1 -11.6 1283.6 2065.7 2.4 11.9
2011 12.1 35.7 -13.2 1656.1 2043.2 2.2 11.8
2012 12 34.7 -14.3 1217.7 2101 2.3 14.6
2013 12.9 35.8 -14.1 1115.7 2439.3 2.3 11.1
2014 13.2 34.6 -10.8 1099 2386 2.2 11.9
2015 12.6 35.4 -10.4 1127.7 2413.6 2.1 11.5
2016 12.8 35.9 -16.4 1333.8 2205.3 1.9 10.7
2017 13.1 34.9 -11.2 1208.2 2497.9 1.8 11.4
2018 12.6 38.7 -16.2 1777 2421.1 1.9 13.4
2019 13.8 36.1 -9 1355.5 2543.1 1.9 11
2020 13.3 35.1 -11.3 2085.8 2447.9 2.1 10.2
2021 13.2 33.8 -16.1 1199.7 2478.1 2 10
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